Yoke & Feather Named 2024 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards Finalist

March 6, 2025
CONTACT: Michelle Dotter

Yoke & Feather Named 2024 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards Finalist

Ann Arbor, MI—Today, Dzanc Books is pleased to announce Yoke & Feather has been recognized as a finalist in the 27th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.

As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. hosts an annual awards program each year. Finalists represent the best books published in 2024.

The complete list of Finalists can be found at: https://www.forewordreviews.com/awards/finalists/2024/

“This year’s submissions have truly impressed me with their depth and diversity. Each finalist stands as a testament to the remarkable talent and vision within the independent publishing world. The INDIES not only celebrates these exceptional literary works but also plays a pivotal role in connecting them with librarians and booksellers, ensuring that a rich variety of voices continues to thrive in the world.” said Christopher Nesbit, INDIES Award Director.

"Jessie van Eerden's luminous prose will keep readers transfixed . . . .This mesmerizes." -Publishers Weekly

Winners in each genre, along with Editor’s Choice Prize winners and Foreword’s Indie Publisher of the Year, will be announced in June 2025.


Since 1998, Foreword Reviews has provided trade book reviews of the best titles from independent presses. In print and online, its FOLIO award-winning design and editorial content make the magazine a favorite among librarians, booksellers, and readers—an excellent resource when it comes to purchasing books. Foreword INDIES and the Foreword Clarion Reviews service complement our online content and print magazine, helping to showcase independent authors and presses.



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