Featured Mentor: Jonathan fink

We are excited to announce our featured mentor of the week: Jonathan Fink! Jonathan Fink is Professor and Coordinator of Creative Writing at University of West Florida.  He has published two books of poetry: The Crossing (Dzanc, 2015) and Barbarossa: The German Invasion of the Soviet Union and the Siege of Leningrad (Dzanc, 2016).  His third book, a hybrid poetry/nonfiction collection, is forthcoming from Dzanc. He has also received the Editors’ Prize in Poetry from The Missouri Review, the McGinnis-Ritchie Prize for Nonfiction/Essay from Southwest Review, the Porter Fleming Award in Poetry, and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Joshua Tree National Park, the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, and Emory University, among other institutions. His poems and essays have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Poetry, Narrative, New England Review, TriQuarterly, The Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Slate, and Witness, among other journals. 

“What excites me most about the mentorship program,” Jonathan said, “is being able to pass along the best guidance I have received from mentors as well as adding in guidance from my own experience in such a way that honors my own mentors, while simultaneously assisting writers who might not have access to the academic writing program structure.”

What’s the last book Jonathan read and loved? A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles.

Click here to sign up for a mentorship from Jonathan!

And check out both of Jonathan’s moving poetry collections, The Crossing and Barbarossa: The German Invasion of the Soviet Union and the Siege of Leningrad.


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